- BALTEX Assessment of Climate Change for the Baltic Sea Basin
Current Press Releases
Media Files
Baltic Sea basin and air temperature change figures:
- The Baltic Sea Basin (jpg, 4,5 MB)
Das Wassereinzugsgebiet der Ostsee (jpg, 4,5 MB)
- Air temperature changes for the Baltic Sea basin from 1871-2004, shown as deviation from the 1961-1990 mean value. Bars represent annual values, the black curve shows the smoothed data. (tif, 2,7 MB)
Die zeitliche Entwicklung der bodennahen Lufttemperatur im gesamten Ostsee-Einzugsgebiet im Zeitraum 1871-2004, dargestellt als Abweichung vom Mittelwert für die Jahre 1961-1990 (jährliche Abweichungen als Balken, geglättet als schwarze Kurve). (tif, 2,7 MB)
Baltic Sea basin air temperature change animations (1906-1997) as Quicktime Movie in 2 qualities:
Regional climate scenario animations and graphics for air temperature and precipitation and more at the Rossby Centre web site: Click here
HELCOM Films: The Baltic – Sea of Surprises TV-series portrays the close inter-relationship between people and the marine environment. The four films of 10min each can be downloaded or ordered as DVD video from the HELCOM web site: The Baltic - Sea of Surprises
International press resonance on HELCOM Thematic Assessment on Climate Change in the Baltic Sea Area, based on the BACC material